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The Brazilian Institute of Tort Law (IBERC) is the first Brazilian group exclusively dedicated to the research, discussion and with the aim of enhancing this fundamental area of the Law of obligations, inspired by similar institutes in Europe and United States. Without any comercial or partisan aims, IBERC is a creative and democratic space, destined to the development of tort law, in all its interdisciplinarity. 


IBERC was conceived in two phases: firstly, at the beginning of 2017, a group on tort law was set up. The selection of the founders was based on the solid academic and professional background of the members. We have brought together creative minds from all over Brazil: academics, judges, prosecutors and lawyers. Initially, the group published a collective work, encompassing the current tendencies on Brazilian Tort law, on the occasion of the 1st International Congress of Tort law, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, in October 2017. Afterwards, the second phase of IBERC came about because of the formalization of the institute, and the election of its first board of Directors, after a seminar at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in April 2018


Among the main aims of IBERC are those related to the research of tort law, in line with the varied bioethical, technological and environmental challenges, that demand the integration of the law to the "Zeitgeist", preserving the coherence of extracontractual liability in harmony with Human Rights, Constitution and the normative framework. Furthermore, the institute will be focused on specialized publications (books, a quarterly law review and newsletters), law seminars and interchange with other institutions from abroad. In order to achieve its purposes, IBERC will warmly accept new members who are willing to share legal knowledge, in this challenging field of private law.




The purpose of IBERC is to promote studies and research on tort law, considering its multidisciplinary aspect, through the following activities:

I - Performing seminars, conferences, lectures, congresses and any other event destined to the discussion and diffusion of subjects related to tort law;

II - creation of specialization courses;

III - Publication and disclosing of IBERC and third-party doctrinal works, covering specialized magazines, newsletters, both by print and by electronic means;

IV - Development of editorial seal;

V - Development and commercialization of apps;

VI - Organization, enriching and availability of database, containing the results of research and studies developed;

VII - Elaboration of a specialized website in order to broadcast its activities and widen access to the results of studies and researches;

VIII - Signing of agreements for academic cooperation with universities, research centers, law schools, public entities, private companies, and other legal institutes for the development of any of its activities;

IX - Funding for granting research grants in the legal area;

X - Development of contests of monographs and other activities aimed at stimulating legal research;

XI - Creation of a documentation center and acquisition of bibliography specialized on tort law;

XII - Recruitment of advisors, specialists and translators to develop its activities;

XIII - Preparation and follow-up of draft legislation and presentation of suggestions on its content.


In addition to the activities mentioned above, the Institute may consider others, as long as they are compatible with its objective of promoting studies and research in the field of tort law, including participating as an amicus curiae in legal proceedings.

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